There are two choices for successful career orientation: either you opt for a skills assessment or professional coaching. But what are the differences between coaching and skills assessment? To get the answer to this question, follow this article that will help you understand the differences between skills assessment and career coaching.

The tests to be performed

With the skills assessment course, each participant takes the same test. This method makes it possible to get to know the personalities of all the participants. As a general rule, you cannot choose your trainer and all professionals have their own methods. In professional coaching, on the other hand, the process is tailor-made. The coach offers a personalised accompaniment to all the coachees. Depending on the case, the professional organizes tests tailored to each candidate. Before starting the coaching, the professional makes sure to contact the candidate to recognize the different blockages. The coach chooses an approach adapted to each case to accompany them.

The working methods

In order to obtain a certification of competence assessment, first of all the professional establishes a test to begin his accompaniment. Based on the test results, the competency assessment professional performs an analysis and writes comments. The test that the candidate has taken shows his or her general personality. In this way, the coach can establish a council. In coaching, each individual is master of his or her project and life. Even if the coach offers his help to clarify the path of his coachee. However, the client has the only power to decide. The coach never makes decisions in the place of his client and makes no distinction or comment on his personality. He only helps his client to identify the various obstacles so that the client can discover on his own the solutions that best suit him. The results of the coaching are therefore based on the client's willingness to progress. The coach offers a personalized accompaniment to help the person to have more autonomy.

Coaching objectives

The skills assessment coach helps candidates to choose the job that could correspond to them based on an analysis of their personalities and skills. As for the coach, he allows you to seize new opportunities with the objective of allowing you to be more open when they arise. The coaching professional explains how to explore possible paths to follow. Coaching and skills assessment are all essential for a successful career orientation.