Being a coach is not just a matter of wishing. Like any professional field, coaching is governed by strict regulations and coaching certifications are necessary and required. In order to acquire them, each applicant for the title of professional coach goes through stages of training and development. In practice, there are two types of certification to obtain the title of coach, the first one is managed directly by a public organization under National Directory of Professional Certifications and the other one is managed by private organizations.

The National Directory of Professional Certifications

As a whole, the State offers, under certain conditions, the opportunity to certify a trade. Trades that did not yet exist but will be created following the discovery of opportunities and needs of everyday life in the professional environment. Example: hairdressers, barbers, or nail specialists. This mode of certification offers the opportunity to follow a training course to become a National Directory of Professional Certifications professional coach.

Level 6 certifications

For several years now, independent organizations that are not attached to the public authorities have been offering training services to become a certified coach. The training is more expensive, but at the end of the training, each person who has taken the training can apply for recognition from the National Directory of Professional Certifications and then have the right to this recognition.

The ICF or International Coach Federation

For the more adventurous, there is another form of certification, that of international scope. Each holder is recognized worldwide. The International Coach Federation respects the same ethical and deontological rules. The ICF or International Coach Federation certification is recognized worldwide and aims to have the same skills among its members. Having become today a worldwide coaching association, the members are committed to offering quality coaching. For a French person, membership implies obtaining certification in 2 years. The process is divided into two parts, the accreditation or approval by the ICF of the coach's training programs and the certification phase which aims to professionalize after training in a coaching school. In order to guarantee a quality service to its members, the ICF certificate is renewed every three years. Unless the member decides to make a professional reorientation, in this case other certifications or training will be requested.