There are two choices for successful career orientation: either you opt for a skills assessment or professional coaching. But what are the differences between coaching and skills assessment? To get the answer to this question, follow this article that will help you understand the differences between skills assessment and career coaching.

The tests to be performed

With the skills assessment course, each participant takes the same test. This method makes it possible to get to know the personalities of all the participants. As a general rule, you cannot choose your trainer and all professionals have their own methods. In professional coaching, on the other hand, the process is tailor-made. The coach offers a personalised accompaniment to all the coachees. Depending on the case, the professional organizes tests tailored to each candidate. Before starting the coaching, the professional makes sure to contact the candidate to recognize the different blockages. The coach chooses an approach adapted to each case to accompany them.

The working methods

In order to obtain a certification of competence assessment, first of all the professional establishes a test to begin his accompaniment. Based on the test results, the competency assessment professional performs an analysis and writes comments. The test that the candidate has taken shows his or her general personality. In this way, the coach can establish a council.

In coaching, each individual is master of his or her project and life. Even if the coach offers his help to clarify the path of his coachee. However, the client has the only power to decide. The coach never makes decisions in the place of his client and makes no distinction or comment on his personality. He only helps his client to identify the various obstacles so that the client can discover on his own the solutions that best suit him. The results of the coaching are therefore based on the client’s willingness to progress. The coach offers a personalized accompaniment to help the person to have more autonomy.

Coaching objectives

The skills assessment coach helps candidates to choose the job that could correspond to them based on an analysis of their personalities and skills. As for the coach, he allows you to seize new opportunities with the objective of allowing you to be more open when they arise. The coaching professional explains how to explore possible paths to follow. Coaching and skills assessment are all essential for a successful career orientation.

Are you struggling to increase your productivity and have trouble reaching your goals effectively? Sometimes, in life, you need to stop for a few moments and take a step back to take stock of your progress in order to identify possible problems that could prevent you from going further. In such a situation, a neutral external view can help. Calling on a professional coach is an alternative. Professional coaching is an accompanying support for those who wish to evolve serenely in their professional career. So, if your turnover is dormant, discover in this article what a professional coach can do for you!

Increase your turnover

Many companies use professional coaching to optimise turnover. This is the main objective of professional coaching. Thanks to professional coaching, employees are led to optimize the quality of their work. The coaching sessions encourage the staff to give the best of themselves to ensure the smooth running of the company. This process helps to increase the company’s sales and its turnover of course.

Amplify staff performance

Professional coaching is a guide for all company personnel. Its main objective is to boost the resources needed to carry out a mission. The idea is to help employees to overcome any problems they may encounter in carrying out their work and to find solutions tailored to each problem. This problem may be related to the performance of daily tasks. For managers, it may affect their authority or decision-making, as well as their ability to motivate their team and delegate tasks. Professional coaching therefore allows the coachee to improve his performance in order to reach the professional goal.

Reinforce the work atmosphere

Reinforcing motivation at work is one of the benefits of career coaching. Indeed, the goal of professional coaching is to support the company’s internet communication. Thus, the professional coach is committed to optimizing teamwork and eliminating conflicts between colleagues. This friendly atmosphere is essential for the smooth running of the company’s activities. It is a very effective strategy to achieve the company’s objectives. Workers become more responsible and more focused on their respective tasks. They will be ready to invest more in the interest of the company. In short, there are many advantages to having a professional coach. So, if you feel that you have tried everything to optimize the overall result of your company, think about professional coaching.

Running a company can often seem like a very lonely business. However, as with most things in life, having an experienced and dependable mentor is one of the most valuable resources available to company owners. Discover all the benefits of business coaching.

Basic principles of business coaching

Although a lot of information and advice is available online on how to start and develop a company, business coaching has many more advantages. Indeed, professional coaches are able to provide something much more valuable: personalized solutions.

If you want to learn how to play an instrument, it is much easier to find a teacher who can teach you at your own pace that particular instrument. Similarly, if an athlete wants to improve his or her skills, the best thing to do is to join a team with an excellent coach. This logic also applies to business: business coaching is one of the fastest routes to success.

Cases in which a business coach can help

Most business coaches are versatile in the services they offer. In other words, whether you want to revive a struggling company or improve the success of an already thriving business, business coaching is for you. It can also help to create a new company from the ground up, by advising managers and owners throughout the process of creating their company. Concretely, it involves defining a mission and objectives, and then putting in place short- and long-term strategies for the company.

What you can expect from a Business Coach

Business coaching can be provided by both trainers and mentors. The latter inform you of the skills you need to succeed in your business. They serve as a source of information if you have questions about what you need to do.

Like all other coaches, business coaches refine your talents and goals, guide your decisions, and then do everything in their power to ensure the success of your company.

Business coaching involves learning everything about your brand in advance, from the value propositions to target customers to the challenges it will face and beyond.

Then, a professional coach will work with you to define useful and achievable goals for your team.

Setting up a new company is not always easy. If the ideas and the business plan seem to be perfect, implementation can be a problem. Many entrepreneurs also fail to awaken their entrepreneurial potential. So how do they do it? Finding an entrepreneurial coach may be the best solution.

Coaching: getting help from a reliable coach

Business creation coaching helps entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs in their idea of setting up a company.

The coach helps you to get started, to set specific objectives, to prioritize and helps you not to give up. Thus, the creation will not be done at random or by a simple whim. You will know how to manage the plan, how to organize it and how to get around possible problems. You also have a reliable coach to help you get back on track after the little failures of the beginner. Indeed, he has received sufficient training and is a competent trainer.

Be more methodical and effective

Coaching for the creation of a company also hides an idea of assistance. Nevertheless, it remains a certifying training. As such, it includes several modules designed to refine the knowledge of entrepreneurs in their field of expertise. It allows you to set up efficient working methods adapted to your situation.

The training allows you to organize your ideas, to better shape your sales or business plans, and above all to make them bear fruit. The objective is to help entrepreneurs carry out their action plan in the best possible conditions. And it’s not just about setting up the project or carrying it out, but also about the means to make the company sustainable.

Knowing how to use your strengths and weaknesses

Nobody’s perfect, everybody has strengths and weaknesses. In a project of company creation, the place of the coach is also psychological. His presence is necessary to bring answers to doubts, fears and apprehensions. But he is just as useful to develop his own skills.

As a professional training, coaching stimulates your senses, your potentials and your capacities to make them emerge. This, in order to boost your self-confidence and to improve your thinking. And when you are confronted with a difficult situation, you will know how to react and how to master it.

Being a coach is not just a matter of wishing. Like any professional field, coaching is governed by strict regulations and coaching certifications are necessary and required. In order to acquire them, each applicant for the title of professional coach goes through stages of training and development. In practice, there are two types of certification to obtain the title of coach, the first one is managed directly by a public organization under National Directory of Professional Certifications and the other one is managed by private organizations.

The National Directory of Professional Certifications

As a whole, the State offers, under certain conditions, the opportunity to certify a trade. Trades that did not yet exist but will be created following the discovery of opportunities and needs of everyday life in the professional environment. Example: hairdressers, barbers, or nail specialists. This mode of certification offers the opportunity to follow a training course to become a National Directory of Professional Certifications professional coach.

Level 6 certifications

For several years now, independent organizations that are not attached to the public authorities have been offering training services to become a certified coach. The training is more expensive, but at the end of the training, each person who has taken the training can apply for recognition from the National Directory of Professional Certifications and then have the right to this recognition.

The ICF or International Coach Federation

For the more adventurous, there is another form of certification, that of international scope. Each holder is recognized worldwide. The International Coach Federation respects the same ethical and deontological rules. The ICF or International Coach Federation certification is recognized worldwide and aims to have the same skills among its members. Having become today a worldwide coaching association, the members are committed to offering quality coaching. For a French person, membership implies obtaining certification in 2 years. The process is divided into two parts, the accreditation or approval by the ICF of the coach’s training programs and the certification phase which aims to professionalize after training in a coaching school. In order to guarantee a quality service to its members, the ICF certificate is renewed every three years. Unless the member decides to make a professional reorientation, in this case other certifications or training will be requested.

Becoming a professional coach requires human and financial investment. A priori, it is fundamental to give value to the choice of one’s establishment to avoid any type of inconvenience. Thus, you must emphasize several aspects before you start a registration. You can also compare the different offers of each school to facilitate your choice.

How to choose a school to become a coach?

In order to become a professional coach, it is considered crucial to choose the right school. The ideal coaching school must be able to meet your needs and expectations. Clearly, before you begin to register, it is essential to give priority to a large number of criteria.  Each coaching school has a well-defined objective according to its ethics.  You can thus choose your curriculum at the expense of your particular objective. You should particularly focus on employability. Your decision making can thus be guided by the approaches proposed by the school. The geographical area should not be neglected. This is a very exciting detail because it highlights your travel costs.

Finding the ideal school to become a good coach

Becoming a good coach requires an exemplary curriculum. Indeed, you must follow the appropriate training to be able to practice this profession. Moreover, it is a profession that involves a continuity of learning. You are fully entitled to take an intensive or distance learning course. University courses related to the social field can easily be transferred to coaching. Moreover, the potential of a good coach increases in line with his personal development. Nowadays, there are schools specializing solely in coaching to help you find a place.

Everything you need to know about choosing a school to become a professional coach

With the evolution of technology, you can easily find a coaching school near you. You will be spoilt for choice. In order to award the best school, do not hesitate to research the reputation of the school in question. You can also contact alumni if you wish. It is more convenient to contact a reputable institution.  Your choice may depend on your goals. If you want to improve your skills, all you have to do is find a school dedicated to this purpose.

The field of company coaching is a rapidly expanding sector with a turnover of almost 100 million euros, yet this sector has only been known to the general public for a few years. If you are considering building a career in the field, find out all you need to know about the job, including the assignments, training and salary.

What training is required to become a company coach?

Generally speaking, there is no law requiring any individual practicing as a professional coach to have a diploma. However, this last one is essential to carry out the missions of the coach, but also to gain credibility with the future customers. In order to attract a maximum of prospects, but also to fully develop in this activity, it is however recommended to follow a professional training. You have the choice between registering with certain universities that provide basic theoretical training (Paris II, Paris VIII or Paris Nanterre) or applying to grandes écoles (ICN, ENA…).

To obtain more complex and practical training, you can also follow additional training with private organisations specialising in the field. If you wish to become a certified coach in order to reassure your future clients, the ideal is to opt for a training establishment delivering a RNCP or Répertoire national de la certification professionnelle (level 1 minimum).

How much does a professional coach receive?

The use of a professional coach can be requested for different objectives, which is why the rate of intervention of this provider varies according to the professional and the clients. Since coaching can be individual, in company or in group, the nature of the sessions also changes according to the client’s needs.

Factors such as notoriety, the missions to be carried out or the duration of the coaching can greatly influence the amount of the fees, but generally, they are calculated on an hourly basis. A coaching session assigned by a specialized agency can cost between €200 and €450 per hour while a coaching session assigned by an independent coach can vary from €70 to €150 per hour.

What is the gross salary of a coach?

The salary of a professional coach depends on several factors, which is why it is often difficult to give a precise figure. Indeed, a beginner coach will offer more affordable rates (starting at 70 € per hour) to attract new clients while an experienced coach known for his results can raise his hourly rate to more than 150 € per hour.

In any case, the average salary of a competent professional coach varies between 100 and 150 € per hour. The amount of your salary as a coach will therefore depend on the number of hours of coaching per month. If you do 10 hours of coaching per week, you can earn a gross salary of up to €4,000 per month. With experience and reputation, you will have no difficulty in increasing your monthly salary considerably.

Coaching has become a big trend these days. It is a kind of coaching aid, a helping hand for effective improvement, whether on a personal or professional level.

The usefulness of coaching from the external as well as from the internal world

In the case of the company, a coach has a very important place for the staff as well as its clients. This coaching activity will strengthen the internal environment (employees) and improve the external environment (customers). The basic concept of coaching is to have the confidence of the person, to make him feel at ease. We can then say that a coach is at the same time a counsellor and also a personal and professional confidant.

The importance of coach training

Having a coaching training certificate will increase the chance of gaining the clients’ trust. A person who trusts you will naturally confide in you. Thus, he will be able to free himself from his fears, his anxieties, his blockages in front of any situation; this is the goal of coaching. It is at this point that the coach comes into action by putting his skills into practice and doing more in-depth research in order to identify problems and propose solutions. Following a coach training course is necessary because it allows you to know all the techniques to master in order to succeed in the world of coaching. At the end of the training, the coach must be attentive, master the art of listening and have a great capacity for discernment and analysis in order to propose effective solutions.

Training and motivation are important to become a professional coach

A distinction can be made between individual coaching, group coaching and organizational coaching. But generally speaking, the most well known coaches are often the sports coach, the life coach, the professional coach knowing that each one has his own objectives and specialities. The professional coach specializes in everything that concerns the company, especially the clients, in order to help them. In addition, he is in charge of animating the staff, identifying the needs of each team member and helping them as much as possible. As far as the clients are concerned, the coach will take all opinions, ideas or requests and deal with them in order to give them more satisfaction. Thus, becoming a professional coach requires a well-established coaching training. Above all, it is important to choose the institution that will provide the training and to ensure that the certification is accredited because this certificate will be a significant element in the eyes of the clients. It will also ensure a long professional life to the coaching activity. Currently, many institutions offer online coaching training, so all you have to do is choose the one that is right for you.

In order to advance the activities of a company, it may become mandatory to highlight the work of a manager coach. The latter must maintain a captivating role within the organization to avoid unpleasant surprises. Above all, you need to highlight several capacities in order to be able to take on this role on a continuous basis.

Why not manage with the posture of the coach?

Manager coaching highlights several aspects that enhance the development of an individual’s professional potential. The main objective is to introduce autonomy and confidence in a professional environment. The coach’s posture is an initiative that highlights the driving force of change within an organization. It is clear that the adaptation of a coach’s posture implies the presence of a large number of potentialities. A priori, the coach in question must accompany you to reach a well defined objective. On the other hand, the manager must take on the role of planner and manager in order to be able to master all possible situations within the company. Above all, the individual must coordinate strategic and operational activities.

Improve his management by adopting the posture of the coach

The posture of the coach is a possible option to find an efficient management rhythm. The goal is to be able to work in an environment of collaborative and participative culture. The manager-coach must have a management vocation that highlights the evolution and development of a company. The introduction of an incomparable innovation can only lead to a situation of continuous growth. The essential thing is to be able to have a serene and autonomous state of mind. The establishment of an operating framework is, however, obligatory. Clearly, the economic actors present within an organization must make the effort to be able to take on the position of a coach in order to carry out their respective missions successfully.

All you need to know about the manager-coach

The manager coach is an individual with an important activity within the establishment. He must maintain the posture of the coach to ensure order and well-being within a company. In addition, you must absolutely set the direction of all the actors present in order to achieve and pursue the defined objectives. The imposed system must be followed to avoid any kind of inconvenience within the organization. Each individual becomes a key player in the development of the company. Everyone has the right to make mistakes, but any kind of repetition must be avoided.

In order to be able to achieve work objectives, it is not enough simply to have acquired knowledge, but also skills and the ability to adapt to various situations. This is why, nowadays, more and more companies do not hesitate to call upon a professional coach in order to bring their employees up to speed. Why the help of a professional coach can be indispensable? How are coaching sessions conducted? When do we know that the objective of professional coaching has been reached? Here’s how it looks like.

The help of a professional coach

In order to improve one’s skills and to allow a person to be more autonomous in his work, calling upon a professional coach is an effective solution. Indeed, a professional coach is a highly experienced person.

It is possible to practice this profession after a certified training. In Paris, Lyon or Montpellier, finding a coaching school is relatively simple.

Coaching sessions

Professional coaching sessions can be arranged at any time. It depends on the availability of the professional coach and the person to be coached. Without carrying out the tasks in the place of the coachee, the professional coach plays the role of observer, coach and advisor. Therefore, he does not intervene directly in the work in order to give the coachee time to apprehend the obstacles by himself and to surpass himself.

Faced with a situation in which it is difficult to find one or more solutions, a professional coach can propose some. However, he has no decision-making power. All responsibility always lies with the client(s)

The moment when the objective of the professional coaching is reached

Once the coachee feels that he or she is able to progress in his or her work without needing the advice of a professional coach, the main objective of professional coaching can be considered to have been achieved. Indeed, there are other ways to prove it. For example, it is possible to give the coachee written tests to ensure that he or she has assimilated the advice received.

Furthermore, the objective of company coaching is also achieved by the fact that the coachee takes initiatives within his or her field of activity. This is a great demonstration of the success of the coaching sessions.